Home 5 Event 5 GCCA Webinar: Building the Resilient World of Tomorrow

GCCA Webinar: Building the Resilient World of Tomorrow

GCCA Webinar: Building the Resilient World of Tomorrow

The climate emergency is escalating, and communities all over the world will have to deal with its various inevitable effects. Even while rightly taking measures to mitigate climate change and reduce its causes, we must prepare and adapt to new and extreme conditions. Higher temperatures, more precipitation and rising sea levels, among others, are already taking their toll. Government, business, and other leaders must radically rethink how to protect people, the planet, and our prosperity.

The built environment and key infrastructure are crucial to building resilient communities across the world. Cement and concrete will play an essential role.

Our webinar will bring leading voices together to discuss some of the important themes. This webinar is open to groups from beyond the GCCA family – stakeholders from the built environment, local and national governments, architectures, city planners and international bodies are all warmly welcome to attend. Please do feel free to share this invitation internally in your organisations.

• UN High Level Climate Action Champion, Nigel Topping, TBC
• Aris Papadopoulos, Resilience Action Fund
• Carlos Ruiz, Vice Minister for Housing, Government of Colombia
• Kamal Kishore, Member Secretary, National Disaster Management Authority, Government of India
• Lizzie Blaisdell Collins, P.E., S.E., LEED AP, VP Engineering, Build Change

Moderated by Dr Andrew Minson, GCCA

Please contact Andrew.Minson@GCCAssociation.org -or- Emily.Andersen@GCCAssociation.org for more information.

March 15, 2022 7:30 AM