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About CAC

 We are the voice of Canada’s cement industry, representing five vertically integrated cement companies that provide a reliable local supply of cement to help build Canadian communities and critical infrastructure.

We are agents of change

Our mission is to be a transformational partner within the Canadian built environment ecosystem — one that influences, facilitates and advances the evolution of an indispensable material to net-zero.

Ultimately, we exist to help build thriving, sustainable and resilient communities for Canadians. To that end…

  • We collaborate with governments, academics, environmental groups, construction professionals and broader society, as well as industry stakeholders, to help foster sustainable change and growth.
  • We advocate for effective climate policy, green procurement and the acceleration of low-carbon technology and investments in the push for net-zero by 2050.
  • We advise on technical matters vital to our industry and sustainable construction through our work with the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes, the Canadian Standards Association, and the Transportation Association of Canada.
  • And finally, we help promote a better understanding of the environmental, societal and economic benefits of building with concrete.

Our mission, vision and values

We’re committed to helping the cement and concrete industry tackle the challenges of our day to meet our goals for the future.

Our advocacy work

Climate change is the challenge of our time. We proactively support the development of robust, science-based policies and initiatives to help transition to a net-zero future.

Our board of directors

The CAC is governed by an actively-engaged, seven-member board consisting of senior officials from all CAC member companies.

Our members

The five CAC member companies are deeply committed to transformative innovation, continuous improvement, transparency and the development of collaborative solutions for a net-zero future and a circular economy.

Our cement and concrete sector partners

We work closely with our partners to promote and advance the contribution of concrete, concrete products and systems to create thriving sustainable, climate-resilient communities.

Organizations we work with

We collaborate with environmental groups and broader civil society to support the development of smart regulatory policy and initiatives that will help the transition to a net-zero, circular economy.

Our partnership with
the Government
of Canada

Our industry’s